Thank you for wanting to learn more about how you can support the mission of H2O Ministries. It means so much us to us that you have taken the time to click through this page and learn about how YOU can get involved and help us bridge the gap between foster care and adulthood.

We know that not everyone reading this is called to foster or adopt but we also know that you care about the young adults we serve, and you want to see better outcomes for them. Here are so ways you can help us in our fight to change the stigma and statistics for youth aging out of foster care.


Each of us has been given unique gifts and talents, you can use yours to help raise support for young adults aging out of foster care. Help us spread the word to a new audience by hosting an event for the people in your sphere of influence. There are many ways you can help but here are a few ideas to get you started.

1. Home Gathering – Host a group of your friends and family for a breakfast or lunch and request a presentation from H2O at your event to help bring awareness to our mission.

2. Church Partnership – If you think your church would be interested in partnering with us to serve the fatherless, talk to your mission department and introduce H2O Ministries. We’d be happy to come speak to your church if they want to learn more.

If you would like to partner with H2O Ministries by hosting a fundraiser, please fill out the form below!