
In the United States, 23,000 children age-out of the foster care system each year. By the age of 21 in Louisiana, all funding and support stops for those in the foster program. These young adults are then forced into independent living which exposes them to homelessness, incarceration, teen pregnancy, substance abuse and limited education. How do former foster care kids fare as adults?

● 25% have been homeless at some point (approximately 20% are instantly homeless);

● Less than half have graduated from high school or are able to pass their GED;

● Less than 3% earn a college degree at any point in their life;

● Over 70% of female foster youth will become pregnant by the age of 21;

● More than 80% are unable to financially support themselves;

● Only 50% of aged out foster youth will have some form of gainful employment by age 24;

● Have twice the rate of post-traumatic disorder than U.S. combat veterans;

● More likely to have been incarcerated at some point;

Throughout Louisiana

● 4,374 kids in foster care

● 653 kids waiting to be adopted

Covington Region (which includes all Florida Parishes)

● 822 Kids in foster care in the Covington Region (larger than any other region in the state)

● Livingston Parish leads the State with 286 foster children

● Tangipahoa with 194 foster children

● St Tammany with 159 foster children